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Virtual Passover

04/03/2020 11:25:50 AM


Julia Gross Alexander


Ma nishtanah haPesach hazeh mikol haPesachim?

Why is this Passover different from all other Passovers?

Passover is on the way. But this year, we are staying home rather than spending the time with our friends and families. We are connecting online rather than in person. We are more worried about one modern plague than about ten ancient plagues. And we’re all walking into uncharted waters rather than traveling on paths that feel familiar.

We at BHA are in this with you. We have prepared a number of things we hope you can use to help your family to connect to Passover this year. We have resources and advice, as well as some virtual community seders you can participate in!

Wanting to get your home ready for Passover?  Hoping you can sell the hametz in your house (and perform the mitzvot of saving lives by staying home, and of not wasting resources by throwing away food)? 

Looking for some online resources? We’ve gathered them here.

We’ve also got a page just for kids.

We hope you can take joy from the parts of this holiday that will remain the same: that spring is coming, that our community is finding ways of connecting, that our children are continuing to learn and grow, and that we can continue to have hope for a better tomorrow.

May we welcome next year in health and whole-ness!

Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784