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We use our hands to build the world we live in. We feed each other in times of joy and sadness, we do the work necessary to make BHA function, and we reach out to do the work of Tikkun Olam, healing the world.

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We are a community built on love, but we pay our bills with cash. You can contribute to keep things running!


Sometimes we find ourselves in the position where we are  in need of help, and other times we are in the position where we are able to offer help. Both are valuable! 


Most simply, a chevra kadisha, or "holy society," is the group of people within a Jewish community who perform shmirah and taharah. 

Chevra Kadisha

Take action with BHA’s social justice group.

Tikkun Team

Sail With Us!


Tue, April 23 2024 15 Nisan 5784