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Into the Unknown

05/15/2020 03:14:18 PM


Julia Gross Alexander

Two months ago, I don’t think any of us believed that we would still be in a distance learning mode through the end of the school year! We are now at the time when Masa is usually beginning to wind down into summer mode, but in a lot of ways, it feels like things are going on in the new normal. We will be having our class meetings and Sunday gatherings from now until June 14th.

As the weather gets nicer, I know that folks will want to be spending more time outdoors. Jonathan’s and Debbie’s classes will continue to meet as usual. Wendy and Carole will offer weekday story time for grades K-2 by appointment. Please be in touch with me by email at Whatsapp, or Remind if your child would like a story time! (Generally offered weekdays at 4:30, but Carole is also available earlier in the afternoon.)

The teachers and I have begun working to plan for a ceremony to mark the transition between the end of the school year and the beginning of the summer. As much as I would prefer to gather with everyone for a picnic at Memorial Park on June 14th, we will continue to practice social distancing, and we’ll find a way to celebrate our community while also preserving lives!

I am also beginning to plan for next year, with much greater uncertainty than we’ve had in the past. Right now, we still don’t know whether we will be able to meet in person in the fall, or whether we’ll be continuing to learn at a distance. I’m hopeful that we will at least have the ability to meet in person at some points, but I also anticipate that we will be spending some time learning separately.

This spring has made me much more aware of the feelings the Israelites may have had, as they began their 40 years of wandering through the wilderness. When it began, they didn’t know the end of their story. We’re also at the beginning of a chapter of our history, and I’m much more aware of how little we know about what the future holds for us.

For all of us, I’m wishing health and continued strength as we make this journey.

Coming up:

Friday: Mini Minyan at 6:00. Bring Shabbat candles to light with the community at 6:30!

Sunday: Join us for social time and journaling at 10:15. Cantor Ellen will lead K’hillah at 10:30. Age-group classes will meet at 11:00, and Rabbi Brent will join Debbie’s class for some learning!

Monday-Thursday: Story time for Wendy’s and Carole’s class by appointment

Debbie’s class: Wednesday and Friday at 3:30

Jonathan’s class: Tuesday and Thursday at 3:15


Tue, May 7 2024 29 Nisan 5784