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Seven Weeks

05/01/2020 03:17:44 PM


Julia Gross Alexander

We've been apart for seven weeks now, and we are continuing to learn at Masa online. Our students have been exploring different aspects of the Omer, from learning to count in Hebrew to learning about the mystical character traits associated with these weeks in Jewish thought. Students have been enjoying reading and discussing stories and Torah, learning (and leading!) Hebrew Through Movement, and learning to read Hebrew words.

This Sunday, Ellen’s class will be joining us to lead K’hillah! I am excited to see our newly “adult” students taking on this leadership role in our community, and I’m sure our students will be glad to see Gabe, Esther, Noa, and Annabelle again!

We are continuing to use Padlet to share resources with students, and to give students a chance to share their own work with us. Please get in touch with Julia via email or Remind if you need some assistance logging in!

I am beginning to plan for next year. As we confront the possibility that we will need to continue learning at a distance for some time into the future, it is really important to know which parts of our programming are working for your family. Please take a few minutes to to fill out the Masa Distance Learning survey or please send an email to to let me know any thoughts you’d like to share.

Coming up:

Friday: 6:00--Mini Minyan in the main BHA Zoom. We will light Shabbat candles with the BHA community at 6:30

All other Masa classes will meet in the Masa Zoom room.

Sunday: K’hillah: 10:15 for journaling and social time, 10:30 for a brief group gathering, 10:45 for age-group classes.

Story time for grades K-2 Monday-Thursday at 4:30.

Jonathan’s class will meet on Tuesday and Thursday at 3:15.

Debbie’s class will meet on Wednesday and Friday at 3:30.


Wed, May 1 2024 23 Nisan 5784