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Masa Learning Online

04/17/2020 01:08:15 PM


Julia Gross Alexander

I hope that you are all managing to find some things to be grateful for during this challenging time. I’ve had the chance to sit in on some of the Zoom classes, and it’s been fun to practice some Hebrew Through Movement with our students, and inspiring to see the different ways students are continuing to build community!

I know that, particularly for our younger students, it can be challenging to handle yet another class in the video format. We have been gathering some resources for children to continue to learn, and to connect with each other. We are using Padlet as a way for teachers to share resources with children. Check your email or get in touch with Julia to find out how to log in!

Anything the students post to Padlet is only visible to other Masa students and teachers.

Our in-person learning will continue to be held in the Masa Zoom room. Be in touch with Julia if you don't know how to access that!

Here is the schedule of in-person Zoom classes this week:

3:30--Debbie’s class
5:30--Meet to plan Mini Minyan (any student in grades 3-6 is welcome!)
6:00--Mini Minyan in the main BHA Zoom. We will light Shabbat candles with the BHA community at 6:30

10:15-11:30--K’hillah. We will begin with a check-in and writing prompt, followed by our morning service and meetings with age-group classes. Please make sure your child has something to write with for their class.

4:30--Story time for grades K-2. Wendy, Debbie, and Carole have been reading stories and playing games with students who join us for story time.

Debbie’s class will meet on Wednesday and Friday at 3:30.
Jonathan’s class will meet on Tuesday and Thursday at 3:15.

Zoom Dance Party and Social Time Wednesday at 4:30.

Please be in touch with me if you have any questions or concerns, and please let me know if there is something in particular that your student would like to be learning or doing!

Wishing you all good health and shalom bayit!

Thu, May 2 2024 24 Nisan 5784