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Learning on Zoom

03/23/2020 05:37:45 PM


Julia Gross Alexander

It has been nice to begin "seeing" our Masa and BHA community via Zoom.

Last Friday, we had a gathering for Mini Minyan, followed by a communal candle lighting and BHA's more adult-oriented Friday night services. Several adults in our community joined when it was time to light candles, and even though we were each in our own homes, it was lovely to share the candle lighting with other members! If you have Shabbat candles, have them ready at 6:00 to share in candle lighting, or else light imaginary candles with the community!

This week, several older Masa students have expressed interest in helping to lead Mini Minyan via Zoom, so we're going to try that out (interested students should come to the Masa Zoom at 5:30). Join us at 6:00 at BHA's main Zoom:

All Masa gatherings other than Mini Minyan will be at the Masa Zoom room:

On Sunday, nearly 20 students joined us for online K'hillah (Community). We had our morning service, and then some students stayed to chat with each other while we had a teacher meeting. Thanks to feedback from students and parents, this coming week, we will begin gathering at 10:15 so students can respond to a journal prompt together (please provide your child with something to write or draw on). The service will begin at 10:30, and then we will break into smaller class groups at 11:00 so students can do some learning with their teachers. I expect we'll be done close to 11:30.

Today, we had a gathering of 3rd-6th grade students at 10:00. We checked in about how the students are handling this transition, and I reminded them of how they are engaged in the primary mitzvah of pikuach nefesh, saving a life.

For this week, we will have meetings for Jonathan's class at 10:00 on Tuesday and Thursday. He has prepared some lessons for the children about saying blessings. For tomorrow, the blessing will be Asher Yatzar, "Who has created humans with wisdom." This blessing is traditionally said after using the restroom, and expresses gratitude that the parts of our body work to keep us alive. It would be helpful if you can print out this page in advance. For Thursday, it would be great if you could print the pages at these two links (one page each): Blessings over foods and the Shema. Jonathan has other items students should collect, and will tell them those items tomorrow!

We are hoping that Debbie's class will be able to meet on Wednesday and Friday at 10:00, but we are still making sure Debbie can access the necessary technology. For now, plan on meeting with her at 10:00 to continue with Hebrew learning, and to begin learning more about Passover. There will be time for students to check in with each other!

For our younger students, we are currently offering a story time at 4:30 on weekdays. Debbie is willing to read a story in Hebrew and English, if there are children interested in stretching their Hebrew comprehension skills! Wendy and Carole are also looking forward to connecting with their students with stories and check-ins. Please let me know some times that work for your children for these meetings!

We are still working on a list of useful webpages and other resources for your families, and we're hoping to have that together soon.

I know this is a tough time for all of us, as we worry about friends and family, or as we experience illness in our own homes. I hope that the Masa community can provide some comfort for your children, and help to ease some of their loneliness.

Wishing for health and shalom bayit for you and your family!


Wed, May 1 2024 23 Nisan 5784