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February News ~ Preschool Registration Details for '19-'20

02/03/2019 04:54:47 PM


Dear families~

Without further ado: some info about the 2019-2020 registration process ~ please spread the word.

And here are the important dates and details regarding BHA Preschool Registration 2019-20:


1) FEB. 25 - Current preschool families get first access to the registration page.

2) MAR. 4 - BHA members in good standing get access to register.

3) MAR. 11 - Those on the 2018-19 preschool waitlist will receive access.

4) MAR. 18 - All remaining spots will be available to the general public.


So, here we are in February! This coming week we're excited to have Diana back from her journey! She returns Monday!


The last couple of weeks have included much focus on the months of the year - singing them in order, and paging through a large calendar to find all of the children's birthdays. Many children are also interested in reading our analog educational clock, and they have been enjoying lessons on counting the hours as the clock hands turn.


And now that we are here in February, we can take pause to consider that we are at the half-way point between winter's start and winter's end. Is that a little bit of a relief considering last week's weather and its repercussions? Still, we did manage to shovel and build ice sculptures, examine shimmering snow in the sunlight, discover ice "muffins" and explore ways to melt ice.


In the cozy classroom, the hermit crab has been spotted (from below) on the bottom of its "crabitat." The children have squirted fresh water for it and observed it walking around on the table.


The Trading Post, a special shelf and cabinet in our classroom, has come alive as a hub of interaction. With one person taking charge of trades, other children visit and choose out something they would like. They find or create something they can trade for that item. We document the trade by taking a picture.

This play has led to some children excitedly working on art during the majority of Exploration Time, trying out many new media and methods from collage with glue, paper, ribbon, beads, and tape! Many children are working on their scissor skills (and safety!), cutting paper for collage or making large cuts into paper and then re-attaching them with colorful dot stickers. Mark-making with paint has taken new dimensions as well! One child presented his use of corks as a stamp. This led to other print work -- especially with toy car wheels rolled in paint. The products sometimes go to the Trading Post's new gallery wall, and much of it goes home for safe keeping.


Around the buzzing art tables, a "Book Train" busily circled and provided fodder for intense action and interaction. "Stop" and "Go" signs directed traffic, and children helped load and unload books for delivery to and from the Trading Post.

We celebrated Ruby's birthday this past week, and sang a Shehekiyanu blessing in honor of her first day as a 3-year-old. This blessing is a beautiful way to mark the wonder we experience in a "first time." We will be singing it again, into spring!


We are so lucky to be a part of BHA. Cantor Ellen shared Shabbat songs with us and we talked about where in our bodies we feel the Shabbat spirit. She also provided essential support when bundling for the great chilly outdoors! Rabbi Brent visited the week before and provided food for thought during snack. BHA's next door neighbor Jessica taught these past two weeks with Ilana, and she brought a couple of the eggs from the chickens we visit with in our garden. (They're her chickens and Common Ground Farm's, and we get to help care for them.) We cracked them into Ruby's birthday cake batter!


The days are getting longer, and the children are growing and blossoming. See you soon!


Ilana and Diana


Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785